Our aim is to provide strategic, timely and cost-effective solutions that your immigration and travel needs. We know that the law (and legal language) can be difficult to understand, and the typical immigration process can truly feel overwhelming. We take a client-focused approach that will help guide you through immigration challenges while minimizing stress.
Our Team

Siavash Hedayati
Paralegal & Immigration Consultant
- P1 Licensee of the Law Society of Ontario (LSO)
- Licensed Member of the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC)
- Member of Ontario Paralegal Association (OPA)
- Member of the Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants (CAPIC)
- Notary Public for the province of Ontario
- Commissioner of Oaths in Ontario
- Member in good-standing with LSO and CICC
- 13+ years of interpretation experience for Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB)
- Master’s Degree in Applied Linguistics, Toronto, Canada
- Graduate of Paralegal Program, Toronto, Canada
- Graduate of Immigration Consultant Program, Toronto, Canada
- Holder of Certificate of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
- Languages: English, Persian, Turkish

Maryam Meghdadpoor
Executive Manager
Paralegal graduate, Toronto, Ontario
4+ years experience working in law firms
18+ years of experience in management and Human Resources (HR)
Bachelor’s degree in Food Science
Languages spoken: Persian, English

Peeeona Lee
Immigration Consultant
Licensed Member of the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC)
Notary Public for the province of Ontario
12+ years of experience as a consultant and
Administrator in study and immigration for Korean international students and workers
2+ years of experience working in a law office
Graduate of Immigration Consultant Program, Toronto, Canada
Master’s Degree in Management, University of Seoul, Korea
Languages: English, Korean

Maryam Tayyebi
Paralegal graduate, Toronto, Ontario
12+ years of experience in finance and administration
Experienced law firm assistant
Bachelor’s degree in Education and Psychology
Languages spoken: Persian, English

Rong (Daisy) Hu
P1 Licensee of the Law Society of Ontario (LSO)
Notary Public and Commissioner of Oaths in Ontario
Licensed MCIS Mandarin interpreter
4+ years of experience working in a law office
Languages: English; Mandarin